Sunday, August 23, 2009

Model Railroad: Trackwork Done (well almost)

I was able to get the last of the track laid on the shelves. The only track remaining is in the mini staging yard, but that has to wait for a trip to Hobby Lobby for a code 83 #4 RH turnout.

The first photo shows the final track arrangement on the north shelf. On the right side of the photo I decided to put a jog in the track and model it as though a turnout had been removed. Where the aluminum yardsick is lying will be modeled as abandoned track - maybe just old ties to make it look like a siding used to be there. The track on the far right will be some sort of team track - maybe buried in pavement, or just gravel - time will tell. In the corner closest to the camera will be sone sort of warehouse.

The second photo shows the start of the canal on the south shelf. I plan to put a piece of 1" foam in the bottom to give me something flat to start with. The final depth below grade of the canal should be around 1".

The third photo shows the final track arrangement in the south east corner.

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